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League Membership

The National Puzzlers' League is the world's oldest puzzling organization. Members of the League enjoy the company of other like-minded puzzles through the League's monthly publication The ENIGMA (available via mail or download), our membership email lists, the resources of our web sites, and our annual conventions. Members may also have an email alias.

Membership in the National Puzzlers' League is $30 per year. Membership includes a subscription to The ENIGMA (12 monthly issues). A large print edition is also available in North America. Members outside North America, add $5 for international postage. If you would like to forego the printed Enigma, there is a $10 discount on membership.

To give a gift membership, visit this page.

Note to International Members: Due to postal restrictions, we are unable to send mail to some countries. The list changes from time to time. The latest information is available on the USPS web site, where you can get information on countries which cannot be mailed to as well as those experiencing significant delays in delivery. We recommend that members in affected countries choose an online-only membership.

Joining the League

If you are already a member of the league, please sign in to renew your membership.

You can also join by mail by sending a check or money order, payable in US Dollars to the National Puzzlers' League, to the Treasurer:

Katie Hamill
National Puzzlers' League
27 Lanark Rd
Arlington MA 02476